Deborah Savran
Mariette Reineke
Mariette Reineke
Iris Pohl
If it’s harmful for baby

Deborah openly shares her experience of motherhood and what she has realised following the death of her son.

If it's harmful for baby
If it’s harmful for baby

Mariette shares how her experience of getting pregnant highlighted the differing standards we adopt in caring for the body.

If it's harmful for baby
My life as a model… woman, mother and lover

Marian explores how role-modelling played out in her life and what it has revealed for her around having children and being a woman.

My life as a model… woman, mother and lover
Community parenting is enriching for all

“My life has always been with children, even though I don’t have them,” shares Iris.

Community parenting is enriching for all
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Welcome, take a seat, read and enjoy real-life intimate sharings from women—many of whom do not have biological children. These women speak of life-changing realizations on what it is to be a woman and what it is to be a mother. Through interviews with women all over the world Mariette explores what it is to let go of being a mother but also what it is to embrace motherhood as a way of living—with or without children—well beyond any stereotype. May you be inspired to hold the innate beauty of being a woman as sacred and free of any roles, ideals or pictures that may portray otherwise.

interviews & articles

Deborah Savran

You never stop parenting, even when faced with the death of a child

Deborah does not see herself as any different at all from women who don’t have biological children. “My life is not greater because I had children and…


A powerful song

The Woman I Am, performed by Deborah Savran, written by Michael Benhayon. (Original by GM Records.)

“The Woman I Am is a powerful song, written by a man, which activates something in both women and men that listen to it. It allows you to step into the celebration of your beauty. Regardless of the roles and pictures we have, or whatever is going on, even if you lose a child. That beauty can’t be touched.”

Deborah Savran (United States)
Deborah Savran

Deborah shares further in an interview with Mariette. Read Deborah’s Interview >